Discover the “Minimalist Method”

to Ease Your Stress

The breath is our beginning and ending. Nothing matters more than the breath. When you learn to use it consciously, then you are a master of your mind.

When you master your mind, your body becomes a powerful tool. 

Breathing arts - Breath in motion

Fitness and Healing Benefits

Breathing Arts is a practice that incorporates a combination of many different Purposeful Breathing methods and stretching techniques to best help build and maintain overall health, fitness, agility and energy levels. In combination, these breathing exercises benefit all areas of body, mind and spirit. This integeral approach is designed to provide a lift to all systems in unison. As these systems start to function better as a whole, it opens up the potential for wider spread repair and healing benefits. Overly defined targets limit the possibilities of a system to work in unison, which in an optimal environment has unlimited potential.

Whether you are healthy and looking for a way to keep fit, or suffer from an illness, mental or physical, this practice will be of benefit to you.

There are several different learning paths to suit different fitness and health needs. If you are suffering from chronic pain, have arthritis or fibromyalgia, or are recovering from chemotheraphy you may want to start with a Breathing Arts class and only do portions of the class. Remember you can start and stop during class any time.

To help reduce joint pain and stiffness or just to keep the body functioning smoothly then our Fluid Motion class is for you.

For non-impact cardio fitness then The 45s class is an intermittent, intensity training class where you can control the level of effort.

You can do all the classes at your own pace and enjoy the stress relief.

I am available ath the end of the live classes to answer questions or by email for a more personal dialogue. I teach Breathing Arts because it works for all types of people.


With Over 88 Years of  Combined Experience...

Ruby Del Corro

I started training Kung Fu about forty years ago, as I grew older and as I attained more experience, I began to realize the true strength comes from mindful or purposeful breathing.

By incorporating aerobic, strength training, flexibility and balance, I developed Breathing Arts. A method that can be practiced by anyone without harming his or her body and it comes with the added benefit of learning something new and exciting.  Learn More About Ruby Here

Dereck Piercey

My training began as a child in the early 70’s. I had a natural talent and love for martial arts and advanced quickly.

I have developed and taught in 17 studios in North America, produced countless public demonstrations, worked in commercials and stunt work, and bodyguard work as well.

I teach my students how to develop their Chi (or Life Force) and how to apply this both in their training and everyday lives as well. Learn More About Dereck Here

Private Training

Customized Learning Just for You

  • Train ANYTIME 24/7
  • All our LIVE Classes
  • All Recorded Classes
  • Members Only Classes
  • Access Private Lessons with Ruby and Dereck
  •  1/2 hour Private Lesson $50,
  • 1 hour Private Lesson $100 
  • Bonus LIVE Classes

Monthly 1/2 hour Private Lesson plus Subscription 



We Follow The Wisdom of Breathing

Don't know where to start?

Our Monthly Membership gives you access to dozens of classes LIVE and recordings incase you miss the class.

Try it out for a full week for only $5.