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Isokinetic class explained.
This video explains the Good Day Energizer exercises to enhance your experience.
This is the Good Day Energizer Video condensed, for you to follow for a quick boost first thing in the morning, lunch time, afternoon tea, etc. ....
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A lecture in types of breathing used in Breathing Arts while participating in the class.
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An isokinetic class, steady state and tempo training. A medium intensity session to improve your cardio endurance and develop long lean muscle strength. Strengthen your muscles gently to recover from injury.
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Low intensity session with high gain in health benefits. Sweat out the toxins, burn fat and breathe happy. A gentle strength training class from within.
Learn one of basic stances used on Breathing Arts, The Bow Stance.
Learn one of the common postures used in Breathing Arts, Weeping Willow
Fluid Motions Horse Stance Repetition
Long Hold Stretch for 3 minutes at a time. Designed to release muscle tension and knots and increase flexibility.